Mental Health Series: Your Feelings are Real (JC)
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Date: Sat Feb 08, 11:00 AM EST - Sat Feb 08, 12:00 PM EST
  • Life Skills
  • Juniors,
  • Cadettes
The Mental Health Series includes four sessions of age-specific, interactive programs designed to help girls understand more about themselves and each other. It will cover a range of topics structured around GSUSA's Mental Health and Wellness Patch Program. The one-hour program is facilitated by National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI).

This is a girls-only program which will allow a safe space for discussion. Adult volunteers and parents will be required to wait in another area of the building. Council staff will be present at the meeting to ensure ratio requirements are met.

The program is a series, but registration is open separately for each session. Sessions are held at the Cathy Novinger Girl Scout Leadership Center in Columbia, SC. Girls in grades 5-8 will meet from 11:00 a.m. through 12:00 p.m., while girls in grades 9-12 will meet from 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. Cost is $5 per girl for members and non-members and $10 per girl for those outside of the council.
*A sensitive issues permission form will be required for each session.

Confirmation emails will be sent out three-five business days prior to the program's start date. If you do not receive a confirmation email, please contact

For those who plan to stay in the area longer, a list of local attractions for each property, can be found here:

Cancellations with a refund request must be submitted to Customer Care before Sunday at midnight. No refunds will be issues to any/all cancellation requests after midnight on Sunday.