Why did Girl Scouts of South Carolina—Mountains to Midlands choose Rallyhood?
We launched Rallyhood to provide an option for an all-in-one streamlined communication and engagement tool to support our volunteers. We view this as an additional level of support to service units and troops at a time when staying connected online is more important than ever. Rallyhood will help us all stay connected, from council to volunteers and from volunteers to troops and families. The Rallyhood team has been working with Girl Scout councils for 5+ years—they’re familiar with the Girl Scout movement and the needs of its volunteers. Rallyhood has created an ecosystem customized to our council and volunteer groups.
How does the Rallyhood community work?
There are a number of council-level community hubs categorized by types of roles and activities where council staff will host content for user groups such as New Leaders, Camp Staff, and SU Cookie Managers. In addition to these council-level Rallyhood communities, each service unit has its own community hub managed by the SUM and CDM, with additional rallies (sub-groups). Within these community hubs and rallies, a service unit or troop can promote events, post information, start conversations, take registration and payment for activities, create calendars, etc. There is no limit to the number of rallies allowed to be created within a community hub. If a Troop Co-Leader would like to create a Rally for their troop, the SU hub administrators (SUM & CDM) can help create that.
How much does Rallyhood cost?
Rallyhood usage is free for all registered users. The only cost associated would be processing fees for Stripe, if a service unit or troop chooses to use the payment feature for events or activities. The SU or troop would be responsible for Stripe fees associated with that rally; the council will not be responsible for those fees. For more information, please reach out to your CDM.
Who can see my Rallyhood community hubs and rallies?
All of our GSSC-MM Community hubs and rallies should be set to private, requiring join approval by the community administrator. This way we can all make sure to maintain security around our user data.
We are already using other platforms to communicate. How can I move files, photos, and information to Rallyhood?
There is not an automatic way to move content from other platforms to Rallyhood. You will need to move content manually to Rallyhood by downloading from your existing platform(s) and uploading to Rallyhood. The good news—it might be a good time to clean up and reorganize your photos and files!
How do I upload Rallyhood users in bulk?
To invite all of the service unit managers or all of your troop family members to my rally without having to do it individually, first click on the Rally you want to send invites to and verify you are an Admin of the Rally. Only Admins can send out invitations. You can tell if you are an Admin by looking at the summary under the Rally image.
Steps to Bulk Invite
- Click on the Friends tool icon located next to the Settings gear icon.
- Then you’ll see options that include: One At A Time, Email List, Shareable Links
- For bulk invite, select "Email List"
- Once selected, copy and paste emails in the upper white box - making sure that each email is separated by comma or entered on a separate line
- Edit the Email Invitation wording if you like and select if you want to invite everyone as a Friend or Admin
- Then click Invite
Everyone whose email was listed will receive a Rallyhood email invitation to join the Rally.