Rising high school juniors who have earned the CIT I mentoring
award can take part in the Counselor in Training II program. Rising
high school seniors, regardless of CIT I completion, may take part in
the CIT II program, with the potential of working as a Junior
Counselor for the rest of the summer.
This training is
designed to provide older girls with more hands-on experience of
working with young campers, during real camp situations, while under
appropriate supervision. Throughout this two-week program, older girls
will be trained to help facilitate different program areas at camp,
such as archery, waterfront, and the basics of lifeguarding. They will
plan a program for younger girls, shadow other counselors, and learn
more about camp administration.
Girls must attend both
weeks, June 15-20 and June 22-27. They will go home on the weekend
in-between and will not be able to stay overnight through the weekend.
Cost is $450 per camper, which covers both weeks. This training is for
members only.